At Loveland City Church, we hold to seven core values as we pursue our mission of inspiring people to follow Jesus:


Biblical Authority

God has spoken to us through the Bible and we recognize it as the final authority for our lives.

Are your priorities consistent with scripture?

Intimacy with God

God desires an intimate relationship with each of us.

Is your relationship with God growing?

Relevant Environments

Every environment should be designed to effectively connect with its target audience.

Are your environments appealing, engaging, and helpful?

Relational Evangelism

God’s message of forgiveness through Christ is most effectively conveyed within the context of personal relationships.

In whom are you investing?

Authentic Community

Accountability, belonging, care and spiritual growth happen best with relationally-connected believers.

Are you in a small group?

Strategic Service

Our spiritual gifts have maximum impact when exercised in support of our strategy.

Where are you serving?

Intentional Apprenticing

We are responsible to pass along to others the knowledge, skills and opportunities that have been entrusted to us.

Who are you apprenticing?