At Loveland City Church, we have one mission:

to inspire people to follow Jesus.


We accomplish that mission by creating environments that unchurched people love to attend. We have two goals for each environment we create:

    •    engaging – are people enjoying the experience?

    •    helpful – are people learning & growing from the experience?


These environments make it easy to grow in three vital relationships:

    •    intimacy with God

    •    community with insiders

    •    influence with outsiders


To make this mission possible, we encourage fully-invested regular attenders/launch team members to participate in four things – simple ways to partner with Loveland City Church:

    •    connect – in a small group

    •    serve – on a volunteer team

    •    give – to the mission

    •    invite – others to come and see


We take this approach because we believe that there are five ways God grows our faith:

    •    practical teaching

    •    providential relationships

    •    private disciplines

    •    personal ministry

    •    pivotal circumstances


Is this different than what you've experienced before? We'd love to buy you a cup of coffee and answer any questions you might have.